Traduttore but not traditore

Translatel Ltd at the conference “The Scope of Translator Training and Modern Demands of the Profession”

On December 12, 2014 the representatives of Translatel Ltd participated in the panel conference “The Scope of Translator Training and Modern Demands of the Profession”, which took place in Dnipropetrovsk Alfred Nobel University. The conference focused on the scope of translator training in view of the modern requirements for professionals working in the industry. A round table was held as part of the conference. The participants represented the employers, as well as leading academic centers that teach translation as a profession. The conference facilitated professional discussions on such topics:

  • Professional translation competence in the light of international requirements.
  • Ways of forming tool and search sub-competences of future translators.
  • The interaction of universities and translation industry in preparing translators.
  • The scope of the ELIA Exchange Program and the possibilities of participation for the university.
  • The European Union translator training programs and the possibilities of participation for the universities.

Translatel’s Ltd CEO Alexander Bondarenko presented the report “Needs of the Translation Market Vs Modern Training. How to Keep Your Head above Water?”. The research on this topic was carried out within the framework of Vox Translatorum social project. The report presented survey results on the evaluation of translation competence, which was conducted among the key players of translation industry. The report also highlighted the main problems that universities face in preparing specialists, and the ways of solving these problems. Alexander Bondarenko outlined how higher education institutions would be able to improve the quality of student training through the active interaction with translation and localization industry. Participants also received practical examples of implementation of this concept.

At the end of the conference it was decided to establish a working group to develop a program of translation practice. The group will also include the representatives of Translatel Ltd.

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