Traduttore but not traditore

About the Company

Translatel has over 20 years of experience, an established track record and a unique philosophy. Since its formation in 1998 as a small regional company, Translatel has risen through the ranks to become one of the leaders in the Ukrainian translation industry. The company has efficient operating processes that meet global language service quality standards, in particular ISO 9001:2009 and EN 15038:2006. One of our main focus areas is specialized industry translations, primarily technical translations. For more information about our areas of specialization and the language pairs we work with, please see Languages and Subject Fields. Our company philosophy is distinguished by our special care about the quality of the services we provide. This is reflected in our proprietary quality management system that is based on global quality control standards, as well as best practices used exclusively by our company. For more information about our quality management system, please see Technology. Translatel widely uses proven operational procedures, but at the same time, we hire more full-time linguists than other translation companies, thus ensuring a higher quality of service. We go the extra mile by using a large number of full-time translators and proofreaders. We realize that even when using cutting-edge technologies and sophisticated operating processes aimed at ensuring consistent high quality, humans still play an invaluable role in language services. Despite our rigorous internal standards, we can easily adapt to our clients’ quality requirements, while still ensuring a high-quality product. Every project is processed by our translation projects management system, which helps us to automatize operational processes and achieve consistent, high-quality translations; if required, texts are translated with the help of an automated translation system (not to be confused with machine translation!), and the quality of the translation is always checked both manually and with special automated tools. Having years of translation industry experience, efficient processes and, most important, a reliable team of veteran professionals, we can claim that Translatel specialists can handle any project, even the most complicated and challenging one! Learn more about our Technology, Services and Languages we specialize in.